Sunday, December 26, 2010

Kratom Cuttings Available For Sale

We have very healthy well established cuttings with strong roots Available Now
1 Kratom = $30.00 + shipping
2 Kratoms = $55.00 + shipping
3 Kratoms = $80.00 + shipping

Email me for more information or shipping cost. Make sure you include your zip code for shipping calculations.

Email me at Kratom4Sale At
change the At to @

AS you can see i ship them in plastic bottles for protection from damage and to keep the cuttings moist so they don't dry out.


  1. Most of my research reveals this plant to be difficult to cultivate in North America, especially the northern latitudes. I'm sure over time people will get the kinks worked out. Do you have any tips or discoveries you've made? I would LOVE to have a healthy plant in my home.

  2. @Shaun Hello, I have been growing Kratom for many years now. I do not know why people have the idea that Kratom is hard to grow. Kratom is one of the most simplest Tree's to Grow with minimum care. Not only is it easy to grow them its really difficult to kill them. The only time i have had one die on me is from over watering in the winter months, this lead to root rot. I have left them outside in the winter and they died back to the soil only to grow right back the next spring. If you can grow Lettuce you can grow Kratom.
